Membaca. Apa yang terlintas dalam benak kita ketika mendengar kata itu? Sebagian ada yang berfikir membaca adalah kegiatan yang membosankan. Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa membaca hanya menyita waktu, tenaga dan pikiran. Bahkan ada yang berasumsi bahwa membaca bukanlah kegiatan yang bermanfaat karena tidak menghasilkan materi. Padahal, kalau kita mau berpikir kritis, kita akan menemukan begitu banyak manfaat dari kegiatan membaca. Dengan membaca suatu bacaan, seseorang dapat menerima informasi, memperdalam pengetahuan, dan meningkatkan kecerdasan. Pemahaman terhadap kehidupan pun akan semakin tajam karena membaca dapat membuka cakrawala untuk berpikir kritis dan sistematis. Hanya dengan melihat dan memahami isi yang tertulis di dalam buku pengetahuan maupun pelajaran, membaca bisa menjadi kegiatan sederhana yang membutuhkan modal sedikit, tapi menuai begitu banyak keuntungan. Kebiasaan membaca adalah ketrampilan yang diperoleh setelah seseorang dilahirkan, bukan ketrampilan bawaan. Oleh karena itu kebiasaan membaca dapat dipupuk, dibina dan dikembangkan. Bagi negara – negara berkembang aktivitas membaca pada umumnya adalah untuk memperoleh manfaat langsung. Untuk tujuan akademik membaca adalah untuk memenuhi tuntutan kurikulum sekolah atau Perguruan Tinggi. Buku sebagai media transformasi dan penyebarluasan ilmu dapat menembus batas – batas geografis suatu negara, sehingga ilmu pengetahuan dapat dikomunikasikan dan digunakan dengan cepat di berbagai belahan dunia. Semakin banyak membaca buku, semakin bertambah wawasan kita terhadap permasalahan di dunia. Karena itulah buku disebut sebagai jendela dunia. Manfaat Perpustakaan Salah satu unsur penunjang yang paling penting dalam dunia pendidikan tinggi adalah keberadaan sebuah perpustakaan. Adanya sebuah perpustakaan sebagai penyedia fasilitas yang dibutuhkan terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan civitas akademik ( Dosen, Staf dan Mahasiswa ) akan sangat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat kampus itu sendiri. Didalam penulisan artikel ini, penulis ingin mengkhususkan pembahasan kepada salah satu bagian dari masyarakat kampus yaitu mahasiswa. Seperti kita ketahui bersama, salah satu tujuan utama penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar di Perguruan Tinggi adalah untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, bukan sekedar memenuhi jumlah minimal SKS yang dibebankan lantas mendapatkan ijazah dan gelar akademik atau profesi. Seseorang akan dikatakan berkualitas apabila ia mempunyai wawasan luas dan mendalam serta tanggap terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya pada bidang yang digelutinya. Seorang mahasiswa yang ingin mencapai sukses dalam studinya harus mempunyai strategi khusus dalam memanfaatkan waktu untuk belajar semaksimal mungkin dan senantiasa memprediksi lima atau enam tahun kedepan, pada saat mana ia meninggalkan Perguruan Tinggi dan mengaplikasikan ilmunya dilapangan. Perlu diingat bahwa, belajar mandiri (self education) adalah ciri khas belajar di Perguruan Tinggi, ini berarti bahwa inisiatif untuk belajar aktif dituntut lebih banyak pada mahasiswa, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan waktu yang tersisa di perpustakaan. Manfaat perpustakaan sangat penting untuk mengasah kemampuan analisis dan pendalam materi perkuliahan. Perpustakaan memiliki bahan pustaka yang beraneka ragam jenisnya. Buku-buku sebanyak mungkin harus dibaca, baik buku yang dianjurkan dosen maupun buku lain yang tidak dianjurkan. Disarankan agar mahasiswa tidak membatasi diri hanya membaca buku yang dianjurkan dosen tetapi bacalah buku mengenai fenomena yang sama sebanyak mungkin, karena pandangan dari banyak pakar dengan membaca berarti memperluas wawasan kita mengenai objek studi yang kita pelajari. Kurangi Tradisi Lisan, Tingkatkan Tradisi membaca Di era globalisasi dengan kemajuan teknologi, kebanyakan orang cenderung mendengar dan berbicara ketimbang melihat diikuti membaca. Di lembaga – lembaga pendidikan pun tradisi lisan mendominasi proses belajar mengajar sehingga minat baca dan ingin memiliki buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan bukanlah prioritas utama atau sama sekali tidak difungsikan secara efisien. Kenyataan menunjukkan adanya dua alternativ pilihan yakni ketika orang dihadapkan dengan buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan dan tayangan film menarik, orang akan cenderung melelahkan indra penglihatan (mata) untuk menonton film berjam – jam daripada membaca buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan. Membaca buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan disertai dengan menulis sangat berarti karena mengurangi beban memori ingatan kita. Ilmu pengetahuan hanya dapat diciptakan oleh mereka yang sama sekali terserap dengan aspirasi menuju kebenaran dan pemahaman. Dalam masyarakat pembaca, selalu terkandung pemikiran bahwa dikala orang telah membaca dan menguasai isi ilmu pengetahuan, orang sering sudah menganggap telah menjadi ilmuwan atau peneliti yang hebat. Salah satu etika moral seorang ilmuwan adalah memiliki kesadaran bahwa dia baru mengetahui sebagian dari ilmu itu. Menjadi ilmuwan bukanlah menjadi orang serba tahu, tetapi menjadi orang yang dituntut untuk belajar secara terus – menerus dengan jalan banyak membaca buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan. Svami Vivekanda seorang tokoh ilmuwan terkenal mengatakan ilmu pengetahuan dan agama akan bertemu dan berjabat tangan, puisi dan filsafat akan menjadi kawan. Apabila kita dapat mewujudkanya, kita dapat yakin bahwa ia akan terjadi selama – lamanya dan bagi semua orang. Kurangilah tradisi lisan, mendengar dengan membaca dan menulis, tukarkan pembelian barang-barang yang tak memberi input bermakna dengan membeli buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan, luangkanlah waktu sejenak dengan membaca di perpustakaan karena masa depan kita ditentukan masa hari ini dan masa hari ini ditentukan masa yang lampau. Kesemuanya diharapkan dapat mengaktualisasikan makna saraswati dengan arif dan bijaksana sehingga dapat mendatangkan dampak positif ke arah kemajuan. Oleh karena itu, jadikanlah budaya membaca bagian dari kehidupan kita yang tak akan terpisahkan.* |
Minggu, 17 Juli 2011
Impian masyarakat akan datangnya pendidikan gratis yang telah ditunggu-tunggu dari sejak zaman kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia telah muncul dengan seiring datangnya fenomena pendidikan gratis untuk Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama. Fenomena pendidikan gratis ini memang sangat ditunggu-tunggu, pasalnya Pemerintah mengeluarkan dana BOS (Biaya Operasional Sekolah) untuk menutupi harga-harga buku yang kian hari kian melambung, sumbangan ini itu, gaji guru yang tidak cukup dan biaya-biaya lainnya. Pro Kontra Pendidikan Gratis Dilihat dari perkembanganya, fenomena ini tidak lepas dari pro dan kontra. Bagi yang pro dengan program-program itu mengatakan bahwa itu adalah upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan penurunan angka anak putus sekolah, sekolah gratis bagi orangtua bisa mengurangi beban pikirannya untuk masalah biaya pendidikan dan tidak ada lagi anak-anak yang tidak boleh ikut ujian hanya karena belum bayar iuran sekolah. Sedangkan yang kontra berkata pemerintah bagaikan pahlawan kesiangan, Hal ini dikarenakan telah ada yang lebih dulu melakukan hal tersebut, yaitu LSM-LSM yang concern pada bidang pendidikan dan penanganan masyarakat tak mampu. Adanya kurang rasa harus sekolah, kesadaran akan pendidikan sangat kurang, anak lebih mementingkan pekerjaan dari pada harus sekolah yang tidak mengeluarkan apa-apa. Biaya pendidikan gratis hanya sampai dengan Sekolah Menengah Pertama sedangkan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas tidak. Sedangkan tamatan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Ataslah yang merupakan tombak utama dan usia yang mapan untuk mencari pekerjaan serta penghasil devisa negara. Sekolah menjadi bermutu karena ditopang oleh peserta didik yang punya semangat belajar. Mereka mau belajar kalau ada tantangan, salah satunya tantangan biaya. Generasi muda dipupuk untuk tidak mempunyai mental serba gratisan. Sebaiknya mental gratisan dikikis habis. Kerja keras, rendah hati, toleran, mampu beradaptasi, dan takwa, itulah yang harus ditumbuhkan agar generasi muda ini mampu bersaing di dunia internasional, mampu ambil bagian dalam percaturan dunia, bukan hanya menjadi bangsa pengagum, bangsa yang rakus mengonsumsi produk. Paling susah adalah pemerintah menciptakan kondisi agar setiap orangtua mendapat penghasilan yang cukup sehingga mampu membiayai pendidikan anak-anaknya. Tidak hanya murid saja melainkan guru yang terkena imbas dari pendidikan gratis ini. Kebanyakan dari guru sekolah gratisan mengalami keterbatasan mengembangkan diri dan akhirnya akan kesulitan memotivasi peserta didik sebab harus berpikir soal ”bertahan hidup”. Lebih celaka lagi jika guru berpikiran : pelayanan pada peserta didik sebesar honor saja. Jika demikian situasinya, maka ”jauh panggang dari api” untuk menaikkan mutu pendidikan. Sekolah, terutama sekolah swasta kecil, akan kesulitan menutup biaya operasional sekolah, apalagi menyejahterakan gurunya. Pembiayaan seperti listrik, air, perawatan gedung, komputer, alat tulis kantor, transpor, uang makan, dan biaya lain harus dibayar. Mencari donor pun semakin sulit. Sekolah masih bertahan hanya berlandaskan semangat pengabdian pengelolanya. Tanpa iuran dari peserta didik, bagaimana akan menutup pembiayaan itu. Kualitas Pendidikan vs Pendidikan Gratis Pemberlakuan sekolah gratis bukan berarti penurunan kualitas pendidikan, penurunan minat belajar para siswa, dan penurunan tingkat kinrerja guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di dunia pendidikan. Untuk itu bukan hanya siswa saja yang diringankan dalam hal biaya, namun kini para guru juga akan merasa lega dengan kebijakan pemerintah tentang kenaikan akan kesejahteraan guru. Tahun 2009 ini pemerintah telah memutuskan untuk memenuhi ketentuan UUD 1945 pasal 31 tentang alokasi APBN untuk pendidikan sebesar 20%. Sehingga akan tersedianya anggaran untuk menaikkan pendapatan guru, terutama guru pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) berpangkat rendah yang belum berkeluarga dengan masa kerja 0 tahun, sekurang-kurangnya berpendapatan Rp. 2 juta. Dari dana BOS yang diterima sekolah wajib menggunakan dana tersebut untuk pembiayaan seluruh kegiatan dalam rangka penerimaan siswa baru, sumbangan pembiayaan pendidikan (SPP), pembelian buku teks pelajaran, biaya ulangan harian dan ujian, serta biaya perawatan operasional sekolah. Sedangkan biaya yang tidak menjadi prioritas sekolah dan memiliki biaya besar, seperti: study tour (karyawisata), studi banding, pembelian seragam bagi siswa dan guru untuk kepentingan pribadi (bukan inventaris sekolah), serta pembelian bahan atau peralatan yang tidak mendukung kegiatan sekolah, semuanya tidak ditanggung biaya BOS. Dan pemungutan biaya tersebut juga akan tergantung dengan kebijakan tiap-tiap sekolah, serta tentunya pemerintah akan terus mengawasi dan menjamin agar biaya-biaya tersebut tidak memberatkan para siswa dan orangtua. Bagaimana jika suatu waktu terjadi hambatan atau ada sekolah yang masih kekurangan dalam pemenuhan biaya operasionalnya? Pemerintah daerah wajib untuk memenuhi kekurangannya dari dana APBD yang ada. Agar proses belajar-mengajar pun tetap terlaksana tanpa kekurangan biaya. Melihat kondisi diatas, semua itu adalah usaha pemerintah untuk mensejahterahkan rakyatnya dalam hal ekonomi dan pendidikan, tapi alangkah baiknya tidak memberlakukan sekolah gratis melainkan sekolah murah, dan program bea siswa. Mengapa sekolah harus murah. Diantaranya; sekolah murah adalah harapan semua orang, tidak hanya para murid dan orangtuanya, namun juga para guru selagi kesejahteraannya mendapatkan jaminan dari pemerintah. Sekolah murah dalam banyak hal bisa menyenangkan, tanpa dibebani tanggungan biaya sekolah sang anak yang mahal, orangtua dapat tenang menyekolahkan anaknya dan urusan pencarian dana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga lebih dikosentrasikan kepada kebutuhan sandang, pangan, papan dan kesehatan. Sang anak pun bisa tenang melakukan aktivitas pendidikan, sebab tidak lagi merasa menjadi beban bagi orangtua. Dan bukankah suasana yang menyenangkan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam proses belajar-mengajar? Bagaimana peserta didik dapat belajar dengan baik jika konsentrasinya harus terbagi memikirkan dana sekolahnya yang belum terlunasi orangtuanya. Ataupun waktu di luar sekolahnya harus terbagi untuk membantu orangtuanya mencari tambahan penghasilan. Tidakkah kasus murid-murid yang bunuh diri karena biaya sekolah yang mencekik belum menjadi peringatan? Adanya sekolah murah yang dana aktivitas pendidikannya terbanyak atau sepenuhnya ditanggung pemerintah, bisa menumbuhkan kepercayaan masyarakat akan peran dan keberadaan pemerintah. Kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah akan segera didengar dan dipatuhi masyarakat selagi masyarakat benar-benar merasa pemerintah berada di pihak mereka dan berusaha menyejahterahkan masyarakatnya. Sebaliknya, pemerintah pun akan memiliki bargaining politik yang kuat. Salah satu prasyarat pemerintahan yang kuat dan berdaulat adalah harus mendapatkan cinta dari rakyatnya. *** |
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Pencitraan dalam Puisi
Pencitraan dalam Puisi
Oleh : SRI BUDI S.
Ketika membaca puisi, kita sering merasakan seolah-olah ikut hanyut dalam suasana yang diciptakan oleh penyair di dalam puisinya. Ketika penyair mengungkapkan peristiwa yang menyedihkan, kita ikut larut dalam suasana kesedihan. Demikian pula jika penyair mengungkapkan perasaan dendam, kecewa, marah, benci, cinta, bahagia, dan sebagainya.
Ketika penyair mengungkapkan adanya bunyi gemuruh letusan gunung berapi, kita seolah-olah mendengarkan bunyi itu. Ketika penyair menyebutkan benda yang amat mungil, seolah-olah kita melihat benda kecil itu. Ketika penyair menceritakan adanya makanan yang pedas, kita seolah-olah ikut merasakan pedasnya makanan itu. Demikian pula ketika penyair mengungkap hal yang amat panas, gatal, atau yang lainnya. Unsur puisi yang menyebabkan kita ikut merasakan seperti itu disebut citraan.
Citraan adalah gambaran angan yang muncul dibenak pembaca puisi. Setiap gambar dalam pikiran disebut citra atau imaji (image). Wujud gambaran dalam angan itu adalah “sesuatu” yang dapat dilihat, dicium, diraba, dikecap, dan didengar. Akan tetapi, “sesuatu” yang dapat dilihat, diraba, dicium, dikecap, dan didengarkan itu tidak benar-benar ada, hanya dalam angan-angan pembaca atau pendengar. Penyair kondang Chairil Anwar tampak nyata berusaha memunculkan citraan dalam puisinya yang berjudul Sajak Putih di bawah ini.
Bersandar pada tari warna pelangi
Kau depanku bertudung sutra senja
Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati
Harum rambutmu mengalun bergelut senda.
Sepi menyanyi, malam dalam mendoa tiba
meriak muka air kolam jiwa
Dan dalam dadaku memerdu lagu
Menarik menari seluruh aku
Hidup dari hidupku, pintu terbuka
Selama matamu bagiku menengadah
Selama kau darah mengalir dari luka
Antara kita Mati datang tidak membelah….
Dalam bait pertama kita jumpai kata-kata tari warna pelangi / bertudung sutera senja / Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut penyair membawa kita seolah-olah berhadapan langsung dan melihat langsung benda-benda tersebut. Angan kita dibawa untuk melihat apa yang dikemukakan oleh penyair. Di hadapan kita seolah terpapar tari warna pelangi, suatu keindahan yang dilengkapi dengan tudung suteranya, yang dapat kita lihat dan rasakan dengan jelas. Demikian pula semerbak harum kembang mawar dan melati yang digambarkan dengan di kelopak matamu. Gambaran angan yang ditimbulkan melalui indera penglihatan seperti tari warna pelangi, dan indera penciuman yang ditandai dengan hadirnya kembang mawar dan melati seperti itu dikenal dengan istilah citra penglihatan dan citra penciuman.
Pada bait kedua kita jumpai kata-kata: sepi menyanyi, meriak muka air, memerdu lagu. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut penyair membawa angan kita untuk mendengarkan nyanyian sepi, juga merasakan jiwa yang tiba-tiba bergerak meriak, yang diikuti dengan alunan lagu merdu. Gambar angan yang ditimbulkan oleh kata-kata tersebut berkenaan dengan indera pendengaran. Oleh karena itu, gambaran angan tersebut disebut dengan istilah citra pendengaran.
Banyak cara yang digunakan oleh penyair dalam membangkitkan daya bayang pembaca puisinya. Ada yang mencoba melaui gerbang mata untuk menghasilkan citra penglihatan, ada yang melalui gerbang telinga untuk menghasilkan citra pendengaran, atau gerbang-gerbang indera yang lain. Berkaitan dengan itu, jenis citra yang ditimbulkannya juga bermacam-macam. Beberapa jenis citra yang sering terdapat dalam puisi antara lain: (1) citra penglihatan, (2) citra pendengaran, (3) citra penciuman, (4) citra perabaan, (5) citra pengecapan, (6) citra gerakan, dan citra suhu (panas/dingin).
Mengapa penyair berusaha menghadirkan citra dalam puisinya? Penyair adalah sastrawan. Cara sastrawan mengungkapkan gagasan berbeda dengan bukan sastrawan. Seseorang yang bukan sastrawan mengemukakan gagasan dengan bahasa yang lugas dan jelas agar gagasannya itu mudah dipahami pembaca. Seorang sastrawan selain mengungkapkan gagasan juga mengungkapkan perasaan. Sastrawan berharap agar pembaca dapat merasakan apa yang dirasakannya. Untuk keperluan itu, sastrawan sering menggunakan bahasa yang tak lazim. Salah satu upaya tak lazim itu adalah pencitraan dalam puisi.
Oleh : SRI BUDI S.
Ketika membaca puisi, kita sering merasakan seolah-olah ikut hanyut dalam suasana yang diciptakan oleh penyair di dalam puisinya. Ketika penyair mengungkapkan peristiwa yang menyedihkan, kita ikut larut dalam suasana kesedihan. Demikian pula jika penyair mengungkapkan perasaan dendam, kecewa, marah, benci, cinta, bahagia, dan sebagainya.
Ketika penyair mengungkapkan adanya bunyi gemuruh letusan gunung berapi, kita seolah-olah mendengarkan bunyi itu. Ketika penyair menyebutkan benda yang amat mungil, seolah-olah kita melihat benda kecil itu. Ketika penyair menceritakan adanya makanan yang pedas, kita seolah-olah ikut merasakan pedasnya makanan itu. Demikian pula ketika penyair mengungkap hal yang amat panas, gatal, atau yang lainnya. Unsur puisi yang menyebabkan kita ikut merasakan seperti itu disebut citraan.
Citraan adalah gambaran angan yang muncul dibenak pembaca puisi. Setiap gambar dalam pikiran disebut citra atau imaji (image). Wujud gambaran dalam angan itu adalah “sesuatu” yang dapat dilihat, dicium, diraba, dikecap, dan didengar. Akan tetapi, “sesuatu” yang dapat dilihat, diraba, dicium, dikecap, dan didengarkan itu tidak benar-benar ada, hanya dalam angan-angan pembaca atau pendengar. Penyair kondang Chairil Anwar tampak nyata berusaha memunculkan citraan dalam puisinya yang berjudul Sajak Putih di bawah ini.
Bersandar pada tari warna pelangi
Kau depanku bertudung sutra senja
Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati
Harum rambutmu mengalun bergelut senda.
Sepi menyanyi, malam dalam mendoa tiba
meriak muka air kolam jiwa
Dan dalam dadaku memerdu lagu
Menarik menari seluruh aku
Hidup dari hidupku, pintu terbuka
Selama matamu bagiku menengadah
Selama kau darah mengalir dari luka
Antara kita Mati datang tidak membelah….
Dalam bait pertama kita jumpai kata-kata tari warna pelangi / bertudung sutera senja / Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut penyair membawa kita seolah-olah berhadapan langsung dan melihat langsung benda-benda tersebut. Angan kita dibawa untuk melihat apa yang dikemukakan oleh penyair. Di hadapan kita seolah terpapar tari warna pelangi, suatu keindahan yang dilengkapi dengan tudung suteranya, yang dapat kita lihat dan rasakan dengan jelas. Demikian pula semerbak harum kembang mawar dan melati yang digambarkan dengan di kelopak matamu. Gambaran angan yang ditimbulkan melalui indera penglihatan seperti tari warna pelangi, dan indera penciuman yang ditandai dengan hadirnya kembang mawar dan melati seperti itu dikenal dengan istilah citra penglihatan dan citra penciuman.
Pada bait kedua kita jumpai kata-kata: sepi menyanyi, meriak muka air, memerdu lagu. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut penyair membawa angan kita untuk mendengarkan nyanyian sepi, juga merasakan jiwa yang tiba-tiba bergerak meriak, yang diikuti dengan alunan lagu merdu. Gambar angan yang ditimbulkan oleh kata-kata tersebut berkenaan dengan indera pendengaran. Oleh karena itu, gambaran angan tersebut disebut dengan istilah citra pendengaran.
Banyak cara yang digunakan oleh penyair dalam membangkitkan daya bayang pembaca puisinya. Ada yang mencoba melaui gerbang mata untuk menghasilkan citra penglihatan, ada yang melalui gerbang telinga untuk menghasilkan citra pendengaran, atau gerbang-gerbang indera yang lain. Berkaitan dengan itu, jenis citra yang ditimbulkannya juga bermacam-macam. Beberapa jenis citra yang sering terdapat dalam puisi antara lain: (1) citra penglihatan, (2) citra pendengaran, (3) citra penciuman, (4) citra perabaan, (5) citra pengecapan, (6) citra gerakan, dan citra suhu (panas/dingin).
Mengapa penyair berusaha menghadirkan citra dalam puisinya? Penyair adalah sastrawan. Cara sastrawan mengungkapkan gagasan berbeda dengan bukan sastrawan. Seseorang yang bukan sastrawan mengemukakan gagasan dengan bahasa yang lugas dan jelas agar gagasannya itu mudah dipahami pembaca. Seorang sastrawan selain mengungkapkan gagasan juga mengungkapkan perasaan. Sastrawan berharap agar pembaca dapat merasakan apa yang dirasakannya. Untuk keperluan itu, sastrawan sering menggunakan bahasa yang tak lazim. Salah satu upaya tak lazim itu adalah pencitraan dalam puisi.
Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
Job at home
Work at home
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Getting help with statistics homework
Statistics are either very difficult or students do not pay enough attention in class; the fact is that students often complain they need help with statistics homework. The good news is they can easily obtain the help they need. As a new media, Internet has the advantage of having it all: no matter what kind of information you need, if you know how to search for it, you will find it. This rule applies to everything, including statistics homework help.
Using a search engine, anyone can find statistics-related information: definitions, exercises, examples and applications. Students will discover with grateful surprise the incredible amount of information available on the web, which can help with statistics problems. Among specialized sites, college and university forums, some extremely useful things one can find are online statistics textbooks. Although some of them are almost the same as regular textbooks, most online statistics textbooks are interactive – students will generally receive an e-mail address they can use to ask questions and even submit their exercises for re-examination. Online textbooks have proven to be very useful in getting statistics homework help.
Online statistic textbooks are not all the same. However, some chapters are easily identifiable in most of them. In order to obtain the needed help with statistics, students who wish to opt for this alternative should choose to study from a textbook that contains the following information:
First, you need a thorough introduction – this is very important, as students who need help with statistics often lack basic knowledge, such as variables, parameters or measurement scales. It is the initial necessary step; it will also guide you through the solutions with which online helpers will provide you.
Univariate and bivariate data are also essential in understanding statistics. Spread, shape and graphs for univariate data, as well as Pearson’s Correlation for bivariate data are very important information. As well as that, any good online textbook should have information and exercises on distributions, point estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
An important chapter should concern prediction – it should contain information about standard error for the estimate, confidence intervals and multiple regressions; as well as that, a chapter on chi square is also a necessity. You will need it in order to perform accurately any test of statistical implication that allows you to estimate the degreeof confidence you can have in accepting or rejecting a hypothesis.
Having in mind that the goal of an online statistics textbook is to help with statistics, it is recommendable that students use textbooks that have a whole chapter dedicated to tests. These should be randomization tests. Each chapter should have exercises attached; statistics learning, and math learning in general, cannot be a simple manner of just reading definitions – that is why doing exercises after having studied each chapter is a very important step in getting statistics homework help.
Having the chance of submitting your exercises is even better; in this manner, you can learn where you need more help with statistics and you will be able to concentrate more on those matters. In the end, the point is that you should not hesitate to get the help you need. There is no use in letting a problem unsolved when you have the solution at hand, with online professional help.
Most students consider statistics either difficult or useless; they also consider that getting help with statistics homework is only possible is they are paying a tutor. The description above lets them know there are alternatives; such alternatives have proven to be very successful in getting statistics homework help.
Using a search engine, anyone can find statistics-related information: definitions, exercises, examples and applications. Students will discover with grateful surprise the incredible amount of information available on the web, which can help with statistics problems. Among specialized sites, college and university forums, some extremely useful things one can find are online statistics textbooks. Although some of them are almost the same as regular textbooks, most online statistics textbooks are interactive – students will generally receive an e-mail address they can use to ask questions and even submit their exercises for re-examination. Online textbooks have proven to be very useful in getting statistics homework help.
Online statistic textbooks are not all the same. However, some chapters are easily identifiable in most of them. In order to obtain the needed help with statistics, students who wish to opt for this alternative should choose to study from a textbook that contains the following information:
First, you need a thorough introduction – this is very important, as students who need help with statistics often lack basic knowledge, such as variables, parameters or measurement scales. It is the initial necessary step; it will also guide you through the solutions with which online helpers will provide you.
Univariate and bivariate data are also essential in understanding statistics. Spread, shape and graphs for univariate data, as well as Pearson’s Correlation for bivariate data are very important information. As well as that, any good online textbook should have information and exercises on distributions, point estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
An important chapter should concern prediction – it should contain information about standard error for the estimate, confidence intervals and multiple regressions; as well as that, a chapter on chi square is also a necessity. You will need it in order to perform accurately any test of statistical implication that allows you to estimate the degreeof confidence you can have in accepting or rejecting a hypothesis.
Having in mind that the goal of an online statistics textbook is to help with statistics, it is recommendable that students use textbooks that have a whole chapter dedicated to tests. These should be randomization tests. Each chapter should have exercises attached; statistics learning, and math learning in general, cannot be a simple manner of just reading definitions – that is why doing exercises after having studied each chapter is a very important step in getting statistics homework help.
Having the chance of submitting your exercises is even better; in this manner, you can learn where you need more help with statistics and you will be able to concentrate more on those matters. In the end, the point is that you should not hesitate to get the help you need. There is no use in letting a problem unsolved when you have the solution at hand, with online professional help.
Most students consider statistics either difficult or useless; they also consider that getting help with statistics homework is only possible is they are paying a tutor. The description above lets them know there are alternatives; such alternatives have proven to be very successful in getting statistics homework help.
How To Write Insurance Essay Conclusion In Ten Minutes!
Sometimes it need such a painstaking concentration for writing insurance essay as many writers are so tired after writing long and long sentences wrapped in so many pages, they feel as if their minds are empty without any words. Whether you have been assigned to write health insurance essay or car insurance essay, keep in mind that you have to conclude your essay in a perfect wrapping paper because conclusion is the last paragraph and a last impression with which a reader ends the insurance essay.
Stresses on the significance of the thesis statement
Wraps the whole essay by ending it perfectly.
Makes the reader think on the subject for long.
Some suggestions for how to write a good concluding paragraph
Answer the main question of the insurance essay:
You must be wondering what the main question of the health insurance essay is, in fact the rule will be applied on every types of essays. The main question of your essay would be the importance of insurance, tell the readers about the importance of insurance in our lives. Also, highlight the advantages of the insurance for your life and family.
Try to be innovative and creative:
Try to tell the reader something new and not keep on repeating the things again and again. He is reading your conclusion because he wants to know what u did in your insurance essay. Tell the reader what you have been doing in your essay so far and assert on the claim that your arguments and supporting facts were meaningful and true.
Provoke your reader to think about it:
The thought provoking statement should be ideally at the end of the concluding paragraph; this little sentence should provoke the readers to mull over the issue that you have raised in your insurance essay, like you can end your conclusion with posing a question for the readers and let them decide what do they think about the subject.
Avoid relaying new information:
It is the final paragraph of an insurance essay, makes sure you are only discussing the relevant information and which is discussed in the earlier paragraphs of the insurance essay. Keep in mind that any new information will only create confusion for the readers and they won’t understand what the main concept behind the insurance essay is.
Hence, whether it is an insurance essay or any other type of essay, you should adhere to the principles of writing a conclusion which are duly stated above, all you have to do is just read them out and check if the conclusion of your insurance essays is up to the standards of writing a good concluding paragraph to not. If not, then you must get rid of the perils of getting bad grades in exams by properly writing the conclusion of your insurance essay. Final word of essay writing help would be to advise you to be creative and innovative while writing the conclusion and the essay on insurance.
Before we look in to how to write a perfect essay conclusion, let’s have a look into what are some characteristics of a good conclusion.
Stresses on the significance of the thesis statement
Wraps the whole essay by ending it perfectly.
Makes the reader think on the subject for long.
Some suggestions for how to write a good concluding paragraph
Answer the main question of the insurance essay:
You must be wondering what the main question of the health insurance essay is, in fact the rule will be applied on every types of essays. The main question of your essay would be the importance of insurance, tell the readers about the importance of insurance in our lives. Also, highlight the advantages of the insurance for your life and family.
Try to be innovative and creative:
Try to tell the reader something new and not keep on repeating the things again and again. He is reading your conclusion because he wants to know what u did in your insurance essay. Tell the reader what you have been doing in your essay so far and assert on the claim that your arguments and supporting facts were meaningful and true.
Provoke your reader to think about it:
The thought provoking statement should be ideally at the end of the concluding paragraph; this little sentence should provoke the readers to mull over the issue that you have raised in your insurance essay, like you can end your conclusion with posing a question for the readers and let them decide what do they think about the subject.
Avoid relaying new information:
It is the final paragraph of an insurance essay, makes sure you are only discussing the relevant information and which is discussed in the earlier paragraphs of the insurance essay. Keep in mind that any new information will only create confusion for the readers and they won’t understand what the main concept behind the insurance essay is.
Hence, whether it is an insurance essay or any other type of essay, you should adhere to the principles of writing a conclusion which are duly stated above, all you have to do is just read them out and check if the conclusion of your insurance essays is up to the standards of writing a good concluding paragraph to not. If not, then you must get rid of the perils of getting bad grades in exams by properly writing the conclusion of your insurance essay. Final word of essay writing help would be to advise you to be creative and innovative while writing the conclusion and the essay on insurance.
Adult High School
What is Adult High School?
Adult High School is for those that did not graduate from high school. Maybe you have just quit school or maybe it has been years since you have been to school and you want to get your fast GED. (General Education Diploma.) No matter how many years it has been since attending high school and not receiving your diploma, adult high school is for you.
Why Get a GED or High School Diploma?
In today’s competitive world one must at least achieve to get their high school diploma or General Education Certificate. Many businesses and companies will not even consider your application if you do not have a GED or high school diploma. A lot of employers think if you cannot get a diploma or GED, you will not do well at their company or easily give up and quit. It is imperative to get a GED in today’s economy to support yourself and/or your family.
Where to go to Adult High School
You can attend Adult High School online at an accredited school. Make sure the online school is registered with the Better Business Bureau. You can check online or call the Better Business Bureau to see if there are any bad reports on the adult high school. Feel secure in your choice of school.
Pro’s of an Online Adult High School
1. Save gas and wear and tear on your vehicle. 2. Work at your convenience. 3. You may finish quicker than if you had to attend a classroom. 4. Help to continue onto college. 5. Support from a complete staff ready to go that extra mile for you. 6. Simple to join the online school and attend online courses. 7. Huge savings on tuition cost for you. 8. High quality teaching and learning. 9. Very affordable to help you gain your diploma or GED and your pride. 10. The program is available to just about anyone worldwide. 11. We take the time to assess how you will individually learn the best.
Summary Whether you have almost completed your high school diploma or however many years you have been out of high school, attending an adult high school is a wisechoice. Learn full-time as quick as you choose or go to school part-time even during most school’s summer vacation. Enjoy the pride and respect you receive once you obtain your high school diploma or General Education Certificate. Continue onto college and follow your dreams.
Adult High School is for those that did not graduate from high school. Maybe you have just quit school or maybe it has been years since you have been to school and you want to get your fast GED. (General Education Diploma.) No matter how many years it has been since attending high school and not receiving your diploma, adult high school is for you.
Why Get a GED or High School Diploma?
In today’s competitive world one must at least achieve to get their high school diploma or General Education Certificate. Many businesses and companies will not even consider your application if you do not have a GED or high school diploma. A lot of employers think if you cannot get a diploma or GED, you will not do well at their company or easily give up and quit. It is imperative to get a GED in today’s economy to support yourself and/or your family.
Where to go to Adult High School
You can attend Adult High School online at an accredited school. Make sure the online school is registered with the Better Business Bureau. You can check online or call the Better Business Bureau to see if there are any bad reports on the adult high school. Feel secure in your choice of school.
Pro’s of an Online Adult High School
1. Save gas and wear and tear on your vehicle. 2. Work at your convenience. 3. You may finish quicker than if you had to attend a classroom. 4. Help to continue onto college. 5. Support from a complete staff ready to go that extra mile for you. 6. Simple to join the online school and attend online courses. 7. Huge savings on tuition cost for you. 8. High quality teaching and learning. 9. Very affordable to help you gain your diploma or GED and your pride. 10. The program is available to just about anyone worldwide. 11. We take the time to assess how you will individually learn the best.
Summary Whether you have almost completed your high school diploma or however many years you have been out of high school, attending an adult high school is a wisechoice. Learn full-time as quick as you choose or go to school part-time even during most school’s summer vacation. Enjoy the pride and respect you receive once you obtain your high school diploma or General Education Certificate. Continue onto college and follow your dreams.
Many Organizations offer GED Test Preparation or a Second Career like Personal Support Worker
For various reasons some people were never able to finish school. There are a number of persons without important school diplomas. This has negatively impacted them in their current career choices.
Various school organizations have realized how this has hurt careers. For this reason, many schools establish programs to get a GED. These programs allow individuals to finally obtain their diplomas.
GED programs include a customized course program with a final test. The GED test is a comprehensive test on basic core subjects. The GED test includes the subjects of both reading and math skills.
The GED test is testing individuals on grade 12 equivalency skills. To prepare for the GED test the courses focus on individual needs. Instructors design instruction for the best chance of passing.
Passing the GED test gives people a second chance at a second career. With a diploma, people are eligible for a wide variety of jobs. A second career is possible in a position one could not have before.
People with a GED can choose to get a second career in two ways. One way to get a second career is through applying for new jobs. The GED allows individuals to apply for jobs they were denied.
This allows them to work their way up the job ladder to improve. This process takes a bit longer, but does not require more schooling. A person can learn and grow and become quite skilled at a job.
Another way to obtain a second career is to go back to school or a career college. Many programs exist for people to learn and acquire new skills. These programs cater to those who need more individualized attention.
One type of second career available is a personal support worker. This job is a very rewarding career with government support. Ontario is set to spend millions of dollars in hiring for this field.
Personal support worker jobs are in high demand in many countries. The demand is high since the elderly population is growing a lot. Improved medicine has increased the life span of people all over.
Personal support worker jobs work with the elderly individuals. The personal support worker provides support in long term facilities. These facilities include hospitals, retirement homes, and schools.
Personal support worker is trained in basic nursing skills and care. They will also learn necessary social service training skills. These work in combination to provide a nurturing environment.
AOL Brampton is one of Canada’s largest career college organizations. This organization caters to adult education with small class sizes. Small class sizes allow instructors to focus more on student learning. AOL Brampton offers a wide variety of services to adult learners looking to change careers or earn a diploma. To view the number of services offered, go to
Finding The Right Translation Service
Because the world develops more compact people travel around the world more often and much more clients are done worldwide, translation service are progressively sought after. A translation service is now available for anything in the translation of the education certificate to converting an inter-net site. Because of the demand you will find now 100s of translation agencies around the world.
Getting a translation service could be daunting. Where do you begin to search for a transformation service so when they locate one, how can they are fully aware when they will have the ability to get the job done well? What questions should one request? This information will offer some helpful tips about how to look for a translation plan to suit your needs.
Finding a translation service?
You will find three primary methods for getting a this service.
The very first the avenue for call ought to be the local directory like the Phone Book. For those who have a particular business directory for the area then better still. Simply lookup "translation" or it might be under "translators & interpreters". Have thumb with the entries and earmark some to make contact with.
The 2nd, and simplest, way of getting a adaptation service is through the web. While using primary search engines like google for example Google, Yahoo! and MSN may bring up 100s of entries. One added benefit of utilizing a inter net search engine is you can become more specific together with your searches.
With inter net search engine results you'll be given two kinds of entries, compensated entries (ads) and organic entries (non-marketed results).
The final way of getting a this service would be to request co-workers, buddies or family. An individual recommendation is definitely best.
Getting in touch with the translation service
After you have a listing from the adaptation service companies you need to contact, it's then key that you're prepared with information essential to have an accurate quote.
After you have established the price of your variation it is usually smart to probe the service having a couple of more inquiries to obtain a better knowledge of their abilities.
When talking towards the customer support agent make certain you completely explain your requirements. A great translation service however will invariably request the best questions so that they obtain a decent grasp of what you should need.
Which translation service?
Ultimately for most people, when it involves the crunch they select a transformation service-based on cost, location and speed and services information. You will find no solid rules regarding how to find a translation service which is really as much as the person to choose the things they feel it perfect for them.
Within the general plan of things most Translation service companies are genuine and professional clothes. If when asking the questions above to some rendation service you sense an amount of uncertainty it might be best to choose the service that appears to be aware what you would like and just how allow it for you.
The Tortoise And The Hare Version 2011
Heard of the famous story of The Tortoise and the Hare, in Aesop’s Fables? In the story, the hare scoffed at the slow tortoise and challenged him to a race. The hare soon left the tortoise trailing behind, and being confident of winning, he decided to take a nap. To his horror, he awoke to find his competitor crawling slowly and steadily to the finishing point. Now what if, the story did not end that way? What if the hare did not take that nap, how would the story turn out? Here is my version I tell at our “I Am Gifted” Singapore June Holiday Programme for kids & teenagers…
Welcome to the 2010 “Tortoise and Hare” annual competition. This is the 2600th competition being held since Mr. Hare first challenged Mr. Tortoise to a race. To date, Mr. Hare has won every single race here. Will this year be different? Who will bring home the trophy today? Will it be the reigning champion, Mr Hare, or the hot favourite, Mr Tortoise? Let the race begin!” Following the commentator squirrel’s introduction, the crowd screamed in excitement.
The race was the largest event held in Westwoods, and animals from all over would travel to Westwoods to watch it. As the spectators cheered in anticipation for the commencement of the race, the tortoise and the hare waited at the starting line. The hare, arrogant as usual, wore a smirk on his face as he stood watching the tortoise do his warm-ups, “Why do you even bother to turn up today? Aren’t you tired of going home a loser after the previous 2599 times? Oh well, let me show you how a champion should run!”
Watch me, the tortoise thought, ignoring the hare, and continued with his warm-ups.
Alas, the race was about to begin, and the tortoise and hare took their places. The tortoise took a deep breath and focused on the journey ahead. The hare, wearing the same smirk, stood high and proud, and waved to the roaring crowd. The whistle went off, and the hare took off, not before turning back to laugh at the tortoise. The tortoise just kept his focus and steady pace all the way to the finishing line.
Of course, the hare won, and the tortoise crawled in much later. As the hare was presented with the trophy, the crowd cheered. However, the cheers were overpowered by those made by the tortoise clan. Tortoises, both young and old, surrounded Mr. Tortoise, as they spun him on his shell, and celebrated as if he had won. Perplexed, the commentator squirrel skipped over to the tortoises, and squeezed past the shells, to interview Mr. Tortoise, who was still on his back, “Mr. Tortoise, it is clear that you have lost the race. Then, what is the reason for this exaggerated celebration?”
The tortoise flipped himself over clumsily and flashed a grin at the squirrel. “Whoever said that I have lost?” With that, he tilted his shell towards the bewildered squirrel, “See these markings?” Indeed, the edge of his shell was lined with markings that the squirrel could not make out. Some looked fresh, and the others looked age-old. The tortoise continued, “These are the records of the time taken for me to complete every race that I have participated in. My first race took me 15 hours and 51 minutes. Thereafter, I set a goal to improve my timing every year. The race last year took me 2 hour and 25 minutes to complete and my goal for this race is to hit below 2 hours. I know you may think that it seems like a crazy target for a tortoise like me, but… I did it!” As he completed his sentence, a young tortoise standing next to him raised a stopwatch that read 01:59:05. Mr. Tortoise then looked at the squirrel and spoke with a firmer tone, “I never saw this as a race against the hare. This is a race against myself, to improve and be better than where I was before…”
The Tortoise and the Hare story has been passed down for thousands of years, with learning points like, being ‘slow and steady wins the race’, and how not to be complacent. However, realistically, the tortoise can never be faster than the hare. And I believe that we are both the tortoise and the hare in different aspects of our life. Sometimes, we see ourselves as the tortoise, in areas where we feel we are inadequate in; other times, we see ourselves as the hare, being confident and good at the things we do.
Very frequently, we are afraid of being the tortoise in the exams, where our friends are the hares running far away from us, and we ultimately lose out in terms of grades. The fears of not doing as well as our friends, not getting good grades, thus disappointing our parents, begin to haunt us. Perhaps, sometimes we may not do as well as our friends, but does that mean that we did not win the race? Maybe, like the tortoise, the race is just us against ourselves. We are, after all, our toughest opponent.
Welcome to the 2010 “Tortoise and Hare” annual competition. This is the 2600th competition being held since Mr. Hare first challenged Mr. Tortoise to a race. To date, Mr. Hare has won every single race here. Will this year be different? Who will bring home the trophy today? Will it be the reigning champion, Mr Hare, or the hot favourite, Mr Tortoise? Let the race begin!” Following the commentator squirrel’s introduction, the crowd screamed in excitement.
The race was the largest event held in Westwoods, and animals from all over would travel to Westwoods to watch it. As the spectators cheered in anticipation for the commencement of the race, the tortoise and the hare waited at the starting line. The hare, arrogant as usual, wore a smirk on his face as he stood watching the tortoise do his warm-ups, “Why do you even bother to turn up today? Aren’t you tired of going home a loser after the previous 2599 times? Oh well, let me show you how a champion should run!”
Watch me, the tortoise thought, ignoring the hare, and continued with his warm-ups.
Alas, the race was about to begin, and the tortoise and hare took their places. The tortoise took a deep breath and focused on the journey ahead. The hare, wearing the same smirk, stood high and proud, and waved to the roaring crowd. The whistle went off, and the hare took off, not before turning back to laugh at the tortoise. The tortoise just kept his focus and steady pace all the way to the finishing line.
Of course, the hare won, and the tortoise crawled in much later. As the hare was presented with the trophy, the crowd cheered. However, the cheers were overpowered by those made by the tortoise clan. Tortoises, both young and old, surrounded Mr. Tortoise, as they spun him on his shell, and celebrated as if he had won. Perplexed, the commentator squirrel skipped over to the tortoises, and squeezed past the shells, to interview Mr. Tortoise, who was still on his back, “Mr. Tortoise, it is clear that you have lost the race. Then, what is the reason for this exaggerated celebration?”
The tortoise flipped himself over clumsily and flashed a grin at the squirrel. “Whoever said that I have lost?” With that, he tilted his shell towards the bewildered squirrel, “See these markings?” Indeed, the edge of his shell was lined with markings that the squirrel could not make out. Some looked fresh, and the others looked age-old. The tortoise continued, “These are the records of the time taken for me to complete every race that I have participated in. My first race took me 15 hours and 51 minutes. Thereafter, I set a goal to improve my timing every year. The race last year took me 2 hour and 25 minutes to complete and my goal for this race is to hit below 2 hours. I know you may think that it seems like a crazy target for a tortoise like me, but… I did it!” As he completed his sentence, a young tortoise standing next to him raised a stopwatch that read 01:59:05. Mr. Tortoise then looked at the squirrel and spoke with a firmer tone, “I never saw this as a race against the hare. This is a race against myself, to improve and be better than where I was before…”
The Tortoise and the Hare story has been passed down for thousands of years, with learning points like, being ‘slow and steady wins the race’, and how not to be complacent. However, realistically, the tortoise can never be faster than the hare. And I believe that we are both the tortoise and the hare in different aspects of our life. Sometimes, we see ourselves as the tortoise, in areas where we feel we are inadequate in; other times, we see ourselves as the hare, being confident and good at the things we do.
Very frequently, we are afraid of being the tortoise in the exams, where our friends are the hares running far away from us, and we ultimately lose out in terms of grades. The fears of not doing as well as our friends, not getting good grades, thus disappointing our parents, begin to haunt us. Perhaps, sometimes we may not do as well as our friends, but does that mean that we did not win the race? Maybe, like the tortoise, the race is just us against ourselves. We are, after all, our toughest opponent.
Homework Help Program for Students
Homework! To everyone since childhood, just the name homework sounds boring and is enough to make a student unhappy. Homework is an extension to school work. So it is something to strain students the most. It includes assignments that accentuate newly gained skills.
Hence it forces the students to initiate study. Homework is a responsibility and so it has got its own benefits, but can also hamper the growing interest of students if the needed help is not provided. Even though the colleges do not have a proper curricula designed, they demand and expect their students to have numerous talents.
The essence of the learning and the growth process is often lost or misunderstood. When you are stressed out with such thoughts, just log in to homework help. College students are always very busy with activities and so many subjects, so they require urgent help. Our motto is “reliable in time” and “reliable in teaching” and so we are running successfully. There are many providers in the market, but do not care to reply the send in requests of customers.
The maximum homework help is needed in statistics. For a layman ‘statistics’ means some kind of data, but it has a widespread subject with a broader meaning. Statistics requires the most sophisticated tools to carry out the analysis. Looking at the application of statistics, its awareness becomes a prerequisite, one cannot ignore. We have a number of programs for a student to choose from.
In Homework help statistics program, students can mail us their whole homework details and contact details with the deadlines. Based on the homework details, we choose the best suitable proficiency tutor, who can assess homework along with right solutions and explanations. We ask for payment through email or a phone call, which can be done through credit cards.
The solutions are mailed before the deadlines with the intricacies. Any doubt or further simplification or description is always delightfully fulfilled. We also provide assignment and test papers from the experts to help clear the slightest doubt about the subject. Solving statistics is a time consuming process, since it involves the collection, analyzing, interpretation and presentation of the data.
But through homework help statistics, we carry out experiments and do survey sampling and then give the students the best possible and a quicker method for their solutions.
Statistics has three major division namely descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and mathematical statistics.
Homework help statistics with assignments ranging from nonparametric methods and sampling techniques to t-tests, f-tests and multiple regressions. We have highly qualified tutors who get back to you with a custom quote. All our tutors have a master degree at least and are from the best known institutes. They are enough capable of solving problems with software such as MATLAB, MINITAB, STATA, SPSS, E-views, etc.
Whatever be the assignment and no matter how complicated be the concepts and whatever be your country, you just need to send us the assignments, problems and the deadlines. One can also log in with us and visit our feedback of students whom we have helped and improved their academic performance with a leap.
Hence it forces the students to initiate study. Homework is a responsibility and so it has got its own benefits, but can also hamper the growing interest of students if the needed help is not provided. Even though the colleges do not have a proper curricula designed, they demand and expect their students to have numerous talents.
The essence of the learning and the growth process is often lost or misunderstood. When you are stressed out with such thoughts, just log in to homework help. College students are always very busy with activities and so many subjects, so they require urgent help. Our motto is “reliable in time” and “reliable in teaching” and so we are running successfully. There are many providers in the market, but do not care to reply the send in requests of customers.
The maximum homework help is needed in statistics. For a layman ‘statistics’ means some kind of data, but it has a widespread subject with a broader meaning. Statistics requires the most sophisticated tools to carry out the analysis. Looking at the application of statistics, its awareness becomes a prerequisite, one cannot ignore. We have a number of programs for a student to choose from.
In Homework help statistics program, students can mail us their whole homework details and contact details with the deadlines. Based on the homework details, we choose the best suitable proficiency tutor, who can assess homework along with right solutions and explanations. We ask for payment through email or a phone call, which can be done through credit cards.
The solutions are mailed before the deadlines with the intricacies. Any doubt or further simplification or description is always delightfully fulfilled. We also provide assignment and test papers from the experts to help clear the slightest doubt about the subject. Solving statistics is a time consuming process, since it involves the collection, analyzing, interpretation and presentation of the data.
But through homework help statistics, we carry out experiments and do survey sampling and then give the students the best possible and a quicker method for their solutions.
Statistics has three major division namely descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and mathematical statistics.
Homework help statistics with assignments ranging from nonparametric methods and sampling techniques to t-tests, f-tests and multiple regressions. We have highly qualified tutors who get back to you with a custom quote. All our tutors have a master degree at least and are from the best known institutes. They are enough capable of solving problems with software such as MATLAB, MINITAB, STATA, SPSS, E-views, etc.
Whatever be the assignment and no matter how complicated be the concepts and whatever be your country, you just need to send us the assignments, problems and the deadlines. One can also log in with us and visit our feedback of students whom we have helped and improved their academic performance with a leap.
Learning English Has Never Been This Easy
It cannot be denied that learning a second language is hard to do. However, though difficult as it may be, it is very possible to learn the English language. Armed with a few tips, you could fulfill your desire to learn the English language with fun and in an easy way.
• First, one must have a desire to learn the language. Learning a second language is not easy, therefore, it is required that one must have the desire coupled with the dedication to learn. If this is the case, expected difficulty commonly encountered in the course of learning will be dealt with easily.
It is also a necessity to have a goal and to have a reason for studying the language. You also have to know what drives you to learn, whether it be for academic purposes, or to help you land a better paying job or to communicate using English will keep you focused in learning the English language.
• Second, surround yourself with English. Commit to learning a new word everyday by surrounding yourself with English books around your room, watch news, movies and television. Take note how they pronounce words and try to imitate them. The more English materials around you, the quicker you will learn. Another way of learning the language is by buying books for beginning readers in the language because these materials usually have pictures with the English words to accompany them. Another task you can do is to translate your name, your address and similar basic information about yourself, such method is a perfect starting point to learn English.
• Third, Record yourself. Recoding yourself is a great way to learn English. Initially, you may not be comfortable hearing the sound of your voice, but you will soon get used to it. Keep the tapes of your recordings and compare them with the latest ones, this way you will be able to monitor your progress in learning the language.
• Fourth, Practice. Practice makes everything perfect. You can look for a study partner or study in group and practice using English among yourselves. You have to be comfortable in the English language. Being comfortable and increased confidence in the English language can be done by using the language regularly. You might struggle at first but just be patient and you will get it right in due time.
If you want a fast and effective result, nothing beats taking the help of a native speaker; it is always wise to interact with people who are native speaker. Native speakers can help you in your pronunciation. Speak the language whenever someone is near you who can understand the language.
Keep practicing daily and you will be on your way to learning the English language in a fun and easy way.
• First, one must have a desire to learn the language. Learning a second language is not easy, therefore, it is required that one must have the desire coupled with the dedication to learn. If this is the case, expected difficulty commonly encountered in the course of learning will be dealt with easily.
It is also a necessity to have a goal and to have a reason for studying the language. You also have to know what drives you to learn, whether it be for academic purposes, or to help you land a better paying job or to communicate using English will keep you focused in learning the English language.
• Second, surround yourself with English. Commit to learning a new word everyday by surrounding yourself with English books around your room, watch news, movies and television. Take note how they pronounce words and try to imitate them. The more English materials around you, the quicker you will learn. Another way of learning the language is by buying books for beginning readers in the language because these materials usually have pictures with the English words to accompany them. Another task you can do is to translate your name, your address and similar basic information about yourself, such method is a perfect starting point to learn English.
• Third, Record yourself. Recoding yourself is a great way to learn English. Initially, you may not be comfortable hearing the sound of your voice, but you will soon get used to it. Keep the tapes of your recordings and compare them with the latest ones, this way you will be able to monitor your progress in learning the language.
• Fourth, Practice. Practice makes everything perfect. You can look for a study partner or study in group and practice using English among yourselves. You have to be comfortable in the English language. Being comfortable and increased confidence in the English language can be done by using the language regularly. You might struggle at first but just be patient and you will get it right in due time.
If you want a fast and effective result, nothing beats taking the help of a native speaker; it is always wise to interact with people who are native speaker. Native speakers can help you in your pronunciation. Speak the language whenever someone is near you who can understand the language.
Keep practicing daily and you will be on your way to learning the English language in a fun and easy way.
The International Study Institute Ireland (ISI Ireland) offers English language courses ranging from beginners to advanced. It also offers preparatory English courses for international exams like the International English Language Testing System or IELTS. See Learn English Dublin to know how you can become part of ISI Ireland's English language courses.
Entrance Exam Preparation Method
Entrance exams are the gateway to many prestigious colleges, which would help you construct a secure future. Nowadays, there are numerous career options for students, irrespective of their academic background. Since there are thousands of students enrolling themselves every year, these entrance exams works as a doorway, which lets only the most dedicated, and deserving students in. there are entrance exams for many courses like engineering, mba, nursing, MBBS etc. the exam paper of these entrance exams are set by a group of trained professionals in that field. They are difficult but not impossible to crack as they are designed keeping in mind the students.
One has to prepare thoroughly for entrance exams. Unlike the exam papers in school, they are more difficult and cover a wider syllabus. One of the main pre-requisite of entrance exams is studying general knowledge. Many exams ask questions related to current affairs and discuss general topics. In order to answer them, one needs to have thorough knowledge of current events and news happening around you, both national and international. Many students get worried during these exams and end up failing miserably. One has to have a cool head and prepare in a systematic way. One of the best ways is to form a timetable of all the subjects. Following are some of the basic tips to prepare for the entrance exams:
Practice mock exam papers. Usually a student does not know the type of questions asked in the exam paper. These mock questions give you a gist of the exam pattern and help you prepare.
Read supplementary notes. At times, what you study from the notes you have is not enough. There are notes available on the internet and other bookstores.
Prepare a timetable. Get information regarding the marking scheme. Prepare questions accordingly.
Focus on the current affairs section. Read newspapers daily, underline the important news and events and re-read them. This would help you remember the recent current affairs during the exam.
Reading newspapers also help you increase your vocabulary. Not only does this help you get knowledge but help you increase your vocabulary, which would help you from your answers in the exam paper.
Once you prepare in a systematic way and form a periodic timetable you can easily pull through the exam papers of these entrance exams. One needs to study hard and focus on all the subjects. Since there are, many students appearing your answers have to be different and more appealing.
One has to prepare thoroughly for entrance exams. Unlike the exam papers in school, they are more difficult and cover a wider syllabus. One of the main pre-requisite of entrance exams is studying general knowledge. Many exams ask questions related to current affairs and discuss general topics. In order to answer them, one needs to have thorough knowledge of current events and news happening around you, both national and international. Many students get worried during these exams and end up failing miserably. One has to have a cool head and prepare in a systematic way. One of the best ways is to form a timetable of all the subjects. Following are some of the basic tips to prepare for the entrance exams:
Practice mock exam papers. Usually a student does not know the type of questions asked in the exam paper. These mock questions give you a gist of the exam pattern and help you prepare.
Read supplementary notes. At times, what you study from the notes you have is not enough. There are notes available on the internet and other bookstores.
Prepare a timetable. Get information regarding the marking scheme. Prepare questions accordingly.
Focus on the current affairs section. Read newspapers daily, underline the important news and events and re-read them. This would help you remember the recent current affairs during the exam.
Reading newspapers also help you increase your vocabulary. Not only does this help you get knowledge but help you increase your vocabulary, which would help you from your answers in the exam paper.
Once you prepare in a systematic way and form a periodic timetable you can easily pull through the exam papers of these entrance exams. One needs to study hard and focus on all the subjects. Since there are, many students appearing your answers have to be different and more appealing.
Overcoming Your Dissertation Writing Worries
Sometimes major problems occur when a student tries to write a dissertation and even to select any topic. In this regards, most of the students get confused when they write it for the first time. Some of the topics are really confusing for them to deal with. It is for sure when students are well aware of the points and tips to write a dissertation through proper guide and other hints which might lead them to create a better piece of work.
The main thing the students should keep in their minds while writing a dissertation that they should to keep away the confusions. Be relaxed and in first attempt select a topic of your interest and be creative while you start up with your dissertation. Try to break up your selected topic into general phrase and words that describe the best of it. You can gather as much information as to make it more complementary and useful.
There are various means of platform where you can collect information related to your topic like internet search, where there is a vast collection of the material you might need. There is a library to assist you, where there are varieties of book which can be attained for a proper guide. You have various other ways through which you can get access for the dissertation samples and utilize them in making a better manuscript. This may assist you in writing the topic of your interest. It will help you in extracting the views and ideas from various aspects to make the dissertation more meaningful. This will help in creating the dissertation in respect to its need.
So, in this respect, you get any information and matter you are looking for to write a prominent dissertation of your requirement. So, by the use of such means, you may able to collect all the facts and information to write clear and perfect. All you need to start building up the base of your ideas by utilizing all the data then you may certainly be creating a superb piece of work at the end.
Once you have collected all those information. It will be better to make the key points and start writing it. The key points will bound you in to in a specific direction and your dissertation will not go out of the main track which you intend to. You will find it easy in describing the topic in your own way and it will end in a good result. Finally, your dissertation will be completed in and that's for sure you will have a slight experience to write a better one next time.
The main thing the students should keep in their minds while writing a dissertation that they should to keep away the confusions. Be relaxed and in first attempt select a topic of your interest and be creative while you start up with your dissertation. Try to break up your selected topic into general phrase and words that describe the best of it. You can gather as much information as to make it more complementary and useful.
There are various means of platform where you can collect information related to your topic like internet search, where there is a vast collection of the material you might need. There is a library to assist you, where there are varieties of book which can be attained for a proper guide. You have various other ways through which you can get access for the dissertation samples and utilize them in making a better manuscript. This may assist you in writing the topic of your interest. It will help you in extracting the views and ideas from various aspects to make the dissertation more meaningful. This will help in creating the dissertation in respect to its need.
So, in this respect, you get any information and matter you are looking for to write a prominent dissertation of your requirement. So, by the use of such means, you may able to collect all the facts and information to write clear and perfect. All you need to start building up the base of your ideas by utilizing all the data then you may certainly be creating a superb piece of work at the end.
Once you have collected all those information. It will be better to make the key points and start writing it. The key points will bound you in to in a specific direction and your dissertation will not go out of the main track which you intend to. You will find it easy in describing the topic in your own way and it will end in a good result. Finally, your dissertation will be completed in and that's for sure you will have a slight experience to write a better one next time.
Best Way Of Packing Books in Boxes
If you are moving out or need to pack your books for storage purposes, then the best way would be packing books in boxes. Books are usually rather heavy and hence you need the proper boxes for them. They should be sturdy and the bottoms must be strong enough, so that they don't collapse with the weight of the books. The books should also be packed snugly without too many gaps in the box as this will result in the least damage.
There are many such packing solutions that you can find at online stores. Apart from supplying the boxes, they also offer you all other accessories for packing books in boxes, such as bubble wrap, tissue paper and also tape in order to seal the boxes. The boxes are made of cardboard and are of high quality and strong with durable corrugated board. Additionally, they are also recyclable and can be flat-packed when not in use so that you can use it again and again.
By ordering online, these packing boxes will be delivered to your door in a larger box and you can use these for storing other items too. You can have the plain brown ones or even printed ones. With respect to the plain ones, you can label them in any way you want. They are available in different sizes but the sizes are realistic and manageable and also easy for maneuvering and shifting. You can also go in for packing books in boxes that have hinged hand holes which make it very easy for carrying and storage or removal.
The online shops also mention the number available in a pack, such as 25, 50 and so on and you can select it according to your needs. Some of the boxes are in the form of archive boxes and they also come with removable lid which allows easy access to the books inside. It is ideal for heavier books. These are ideal for packing books in boxes and excellent as they provide full protection while transporting or storing.
If all this sounds good then there only one thing left to do, buy some! With all the different options out there, you must be wondering where the best place to shop is at? If a large range of boxes and the most competitive pricing are factors which you believe are important then you really need to get those fingers working and go online!
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