Using a search engine, anyone can find statistics-related information: definitions, exercises, examples and applications. Students will discover with grateful surprise the incredible amount of information available on the web, which can help with statistics problems. Among specialized sites, college and university forums, some extremely useful things one can find are online statistics textbooks. Although some of them are almost the same as regular textbooks, most online statistics textbooks are interactive – students will generally receive an e-mail address they can use to ask questions and even submit their exercises for re-examination. Online textbooks have proven to be very useful in getting statistics homework help.
Online statistic textbooks are not all the same. However, some chapters are easily identifiable in most of them. In order to obtain the needed help with statistics, students who wish to opt for this alternative should choose to study from a textbook that contains the following information:
First, you need a thorough introduction – this is very important, as students who need help with statistics often lack basic knowledge, such as variables, parameters or measurement scales. It is the initial necessary step; it will also guide you through the solutions with which online helpers will provide you.
Univariate and bivariate data are also essential in understanding statistics. Spread, shape and graphs for univariate data, as well as Pearson’s Correlation for bivariate data are very important information. As well as that, any good online textbook should have information and exercises on distributions, point estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
An important chapter should concern prediction – it should contain information about standard error for the estimate, confidence intervals and multiple regressions; as well as that, a chapter on chi square is also a necessity. You will need it in order to perform accurately any test of statistical implication that allows you to estimate the degreeof confidence you can have in accepting or rejecting a hypothesis.
Having in mind that the goal of an online statistics textbook is to help with statistics, it is recommendable that students use textbooks that have a whole chapter dedicated to tests. These should be randomization tests. Each chapter should have exercises attached; statistics learning, and math learning in general, cannot be a simple manner of just reading definitions – that is why doing exercises after having studied each chapter is a very important step in getting statistics homework help.
Having the chance of submitting your exercises is even better; in this manner, you can learn where you need more help with statistics and you will be able to concentrate more on those matters. In the end, the point is that you should not hesitate to get the help you need. There is no use in letting a problem unsolved when you have the solution at hand, with online professional help.
Most students consider statistics either difficult or useless; they also consider that getting help with statistics homework is only possible is they are paying a tutor. The description above lets them know there are alternatives; such alternatives have proven to be very successful in getting statistics homework help.
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